We are living in a very dangerous moment in this world. From the local increase in crime to the current wars and threats of all-out world war, it seems that no matter where we are or what we do, we come face to face with potentially dooming circumstances, be it in our daily lives or the entirety of our global civilization.
We need rescuing, it seems.
Some believe that there is a political solution. Out of these beliefs rage the political battles in many spheres to apply a particular brand of solution to the many woes of our times. There is a biblical base to that of course, for God Himself tells us to pray for those in authority over us (1 Timothy 2:1-6). God also installs people into power of His choosing as is seen throughout the Old Testament (David, Saul).
No individual, no party, no nation in the full spectrum of history has yet to save humanity in an ultimate sense, and even historical victories are limited and seemingly temporary. We must not forget that anything that God does has eternal consequence, though, even if those consequences cannot immediately be seen.
But we must remember that ultimate rescue has already been accomplished.
Rescue for humanity, particularly for those who choose to respond to His offer of rescue, was accomplished on the cross of Jesus Christ and His resurrection. Paul speaks of this in his letter to the Colossians (1:13-14), “For He rescued us from the dominion of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.”
The word rescue here (Greek “ruomai”) also means “deliver” and “to save.” In its basic meaning, men are always the object and God is always the author of salvation.[i] This word is also used in the Lord’s Prayer of Matthew 6.
The point entirely is that humanity cannot save itself from self-destruction. Only God, our creator can rescue us. The problem is sin against a Holy God and the ultimate consequences of that is self-destruction in the here and now as well as in an eternity of separation from Him in a terrible place called hell. Every time we sin against our Holy God, we ratify the justice of God’s decision on this. We simply cannot grasp the incomprehensible nature and impact of a single sin against our eternal, matchless, wonderfully holy Creator-God.
I implore the reader today, please, do not miss this! It is the single most important issue facing any human being that has ever lived. The verse teaches that when we commit to and follow Christ, we are “rescued from the dominion of darkness and transferred to the kingdom of His beloved Son” which is literally “the kingdom of the Son of His love.”
The way we become a follower of Christ has zero to do with any denomination or religion, for God is not a religious being, but a deeply personal being, and he rescues us individually.
It is about two things: confession of sin and repentance from sin. We must yield in total submission to the call of God and confess our sins, past and present, against Him and then repent (stop doing them) of those sins, present and future, with the power of God’s empowering Holy Spirit to overcome current and future temptations. When we do sin, and we all will, we must cling to Him in confession and repentance in an ongoing life of yielding and submission.
Our eternal God loves us so much that he sent his one and only Son, Jesus Christ, to die in our place, taking our sins upon his own shoulders, in the supreme event of justice and mercy applied simultaneously in the ultimate deliverance of all time.
This my friend was and is the greatest rescue of all time!
[i] Bromiley, Geoffrey W. and Gerhard Friedrich, ed., Kasch, Wilhem, Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, Volume VI, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, MI., 1964-1976, pp. 1002-1003.
©2024 by Ben Bounds. All rights reserved.
We can come to know Christ through confession of our sins and repentance (turning away from sin). Let me encourage you to do this by talking to God through prayer. Here is an idea of how you might do that:
"Dear God, I believe your son Jesus Christ died in my place on the cross and rose from the dead on the third day following his death. I confess my sins, all of them, to you now with a humble heart. I repent of those sins and ask you to empower me with your Holy Spirit in overcoming further sin. Amen”
If you prayed this or a similar prayer committing your life to Christ and becoming one of his followers, let me encourage you to find a good, Bible-believing church.
Begin talking to God in prayer and reading the Bible daily. A good way to begin to read the Bible is to start with the Book of John in the New Testament.
Feel very free in connecting with me if you need any further help in your walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. You can do this via the above email or Facebook page or this web page.
Mercy Road Ministries was founded and now led by Ben Bounds. Ben has pastored churches across Texas for over thirty years and is an ordained minister with the Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA). He holds a BA in Pastor Pastoral Ministry and Biblical Studies from Southwestern Assemblies of God College and did graduate theological studies at the BMA Theological Seminary.
Ben's first book, The Divine Chase: Responding to a Pursuing God, was released on 12.08.2017 through Westbow Press, a division of Thomas Nelson and Zondervan. It is available in paperback and hardback through your preferred bookseller (Mardels, Barnes and Noble, etc.) and paperback, hardback as well as ebook through online book retailers (www.christianbook.com, www.cokesbury.com, www.amazon.com, www.booksamillion.com, www.barnesandnoble.com, etc.).
Ben is the host of Staying in Bounds, an on-air Bible devotional broadcast multiple times daily on KWJV 103.7 FM Weslaco, TX which can also be heard worldwide online at www.kwjvthestar.com. Ben and his wife, Linda, together have four adult children and nine grandchildren. They live in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas.
Ben can be contacted for preaching engagements at benbounds695@gmail.com or 903.441.3279. Ben can also be contacted via his website @ www.benbounds.com, which is also his blog and contains more information about his ministry.
Follow Ben @ https://www.facebook.com/mercyroadministries/ and this website www.benbounds.com.